Network Toplogies QUIZ – (CCNA ITN)

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1. Which Network topology has these characteristics?

Most stable & fault tolerant
Cable fault & device fault tolerant
Most expensive as it requires more cabling & infrastructure

2. Which type of Network topology is this?



3. Which type of Network Topology is this?


4. Virtual view of the network that member devices see is called as:


5. Which Network Topology is the simplest amongst all other?


6. Which type of Network Topology is formed if we mix different topologies together?


7. Which type of Network Topology is most common to avoid Layer-2 network loops?


8. Which type of topology requires less cabling as compared to Mesh & still provides good protection (data can flow from other side, if one link is broken)?


9. Which type of Network Topology is this?


10. Which topology supports maximum of two devices and is the fastest than all other types because there is a direct connection?


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